Distance Selling Agreement

This Distance Selling Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between the undersigned Seller and the undersigned Buyer, collectively referred to as “Parties.” This Agreement governs the terms and conditions under which the Seller will provide goods or services to the Buyer through distance selling methods.


  1. “Seller” refers to the party offering goods or services through distance selling.
  2. “Buyer” refers to the party purchasing goods or services through distance selling.
  3. “Goods” refers to the tangible products offered for sale by the Seller.
  4. “Services” refers to the non-tangible offerings provided by the Seller.
  5. “Distance Selling” refers to the sale of goods or services without physical contact between the Parties, conducted via electronic means or other remote communication channels.

Payment Procedure

The Customer is required to remit the service fee in advance prior to service utilization. Secure online payment systems, designated by the Service Provider, will facilitate the payment process. It is important to note that orders that are subsequently canceled will not be subject to refunds.

Service Delivery

Upon receipt of payment, the Service Provider will promptly initiate the order processing and ensure timely delivery. The delivery timeline may vary based on factors including script intricacies, dimensions, and specifications. In the event of any unforeseen delays, the Service Provider will duly notify the Customer.

Cancellation Protocol

In the event of a cancellation request, the Customer must formally communicate this in writing to the Service Provider. Such notification must be submitted before transaction processing. However, if the majority of the script has been developed, cancellation may not be feasible.

Data Privacy and Security

The Service Provider undertakes comprehensive measures to safeguard Customer data, refraining from any third-party data sharing. Secure servers will host and retain customer data, subject to deletion at the Customer’s request.

Limitation of Liability

The Service Provider commits to delivering scripts that meet the Customer’s specifications. However, the Service Provider cannot ensure seamless functionality across all environments or scenarios. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any ensuing damages resulting from script usage or misuse.

Customer Contentment

The Service Provider is dedicated to supplying premium products and exceptional client service. Dissatisfied Customers are encouraged to liaise with the Service Provider to collaboratively identify solutions.

Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution

This Agreement constitutes the complete understanding between the Parties and abides by the laws of Turkey. The Parties agree to explore mediation as a means to resolve any potential disputes arising from this Agreement.

Termination of Agreement

Either Party retains the right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with the stipulated terms. The Agreement may not be amended without written consent from both Parties.


The Parties accept liability for any damages resulting from non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

Additional Provisions

Should any provision within this Agreement be deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not impact the validity of the remaining clauses. Both Parties concur that any verbal agreements pertaining to this Agreement shall hold no legal weight.

Acknowledgment of Terms

Upon purchasing our scripts, the Customer affirms understanding and acceptance of all terms within this Agreement. The Service Provider acknowledges the Customer’s commitment to these terms.

This Service Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the Customer and subsequent acknowledgment by the Service Provider.